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A postcard from Corrie

Corrie Harbour with sheep, Isle of Arran

I found this idyllic harbour last week in Corrie on the Isle of Arran.

Corrie Harbour with sheep and swan

Corrie lies on the north-east side of the island. It has two harbours – this one is known as Sandstone Quay because of the sandstone that was quarried locally and shipped from here.

Sandstone Quay at Corrie on the Isle of Arran - harbour view with black sheep and rocks

The sheep came from the Glasgow Garden Festival, and are a fun presence. There is also a lot going on rock-wise, if you like that kind of thing (I do).

Corrie Harbour with swan. Isle of Arran

The shoreline is full of plants, lichens, birds and sealife. The textures and colours are amazing.

Corrie sand, Isle of Arran

The colour of the sand is warm and inviting. It reminded me of butterscotch Angel Delight.